Safety Promotion - Education & Training Assurance
Educate for Knowledge and Understanding, Train for Performance and Skill.
“It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.” W. Edwards Deming.
Education is about learning the theories to reinforce the knowledge in which a person may already have a basic understanding. Training on the other hand gives a person the actual skills to accomplish a task.
Education therefore, provides the foundation on which a person applies specific knowledge to a situation at a later time, whereas Training, typically concentrates on an individual's skill development. Development of an individual, via education and training, is one reason why QualaTech courses are so successful. QualaTech understands the importance of promoting personal enhancement, in combination with individual skills via conscious and subliminal learning”.
Successful learning is the combination of various practices that includes assorted training and educational techniques. It is not as simple as providing the 'raw knowledge' or 'information', the process involves a wide range of activities to support leadership, coaching, encouragement, listening and mentoring. Successful learning also means Instructors must thoroughly know the subject matter and material. Albert Einstein once said:
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
Nothing could be truer when it comes to training.
In practical terms, training is considered to be the third element or ‘leg’ that supports Quality Assurance and Safety Assurance. Without effective training, Quality Assurance and Safety Assurance will collapse.
Please Note: SMS Training encompasses a variety of subjects. Therefore, depending on the Certificate Type held and the involvement of an employee (inclusive of function & competence in the SMS), the content and Scope of the training will necessarily vary. It is not practical to list every possible training contingency, but please be assured that QAC fully appreciates the complexity of the issue, and designs all courses to meet the audience. For full explanation, please contact QAC directly to ensure you get the information applicable to your specific Certificate Type(s). Thank you.
Important Notice:
For further information over the Government of Canada's 'Workforce Development Agreement' (WDA) and the agreements made with the Provinces of Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia, but especially the B.C., Employer Training Grants Program (ETG), please visit the QualaTech Notice Board @
Aviation Law Seminar
Law as it pertains to Canadian Aviation and YOU!
So you think compliance is all about the CARs? Think again...
The Aviation Law Seminar - aka - 'Canadian Law as it pertains to Canadian Aviation and YOU', covers many fundamental aspects of Canadian law in aviation.
Aviation Law is more than the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) and the Aeronautic Act; the reality is, they are really the least of your worries!
Think about the seminar as “Canadian Aviation Law 101”. Although not a mandatory topic, it should nevertheless be considered a fundamental educational component of any professional involved in aviation who exercises a legal obligation, is 'Accountable' or 'Responsible', possesses 'privilege' and/or who may be considered a 'Senior Officer' (SO).
The Seminar is designed and presented in plane unambiguous language for Accountable Executives (AE), CEO's COO's, Pilots, Engineers, persons responsible or persons with delegated responsibility and privilege, managers, Board Directors and/or anyone with a 'Duty of Care'. In essence, just about everyone!
The Aviation Law Seminar will help resolve compliance issues, foster greater understanding of what a 'Duty of Care' is and why 'Due Diligence' is so important in everything we do. Examples of Law and non-compliance will be presented so participants may fully understand the consequences of their action or omission of an action/compliance under various legal frameworks encompassing the Aeronautics Act, CARs, Case Law, Civil Law, Tort Law, Contract Law, OH&S Law, etc., plus Provisions and penalties of conviction.
The intent is not to frighten but to impart a ‘healthy awareness’ of the law with a subsequent understanding of the consequences of non-compliance. By this means an Organisation will reduce error and by doing such, will achieve greater safety and company profit as a result.
For further information and course scheduling, please contract Keith Green directly.
Single Pilot Crew Resource Management Training
The QualaTech SP-CRM Smart Solution.
QualaTech understands that the Single Pilot CRM (SP-CRM) requirement for Part VII (Subpart 2, 3 & 4) Operators, presents a heavy financial and additional training burden on the industry. The cost of SP-CRM training, in terms of time, money and other resources, is not insignificant to a financially stressed industry and therefore the effectiveness of the training becomes even more critical.
QualaTech has developed a Best Practice SP-CRM Smart Training Solution. In essence, a virtual 'Turn Key' template which is 90% - 95% complete and compliant with TCCA requirements other than for two important tasks that the Operator is required to accomplish: 1). Customizing the material to suit the Company's own brand and modus operandi, and 2). Providing relevant in-house case examples.
In essence, the SP-CRM is a smart solution 'DIY' training course template that is commensurate with 'industry concerns' and Regulatory requirements. The Training Platform takes into consideration and is considerate of:
1. Financial constraints;
2. Individualization / harmonization to operation(s);
3. CRM Single Pilot operations specific to Subparts 702 and 703;
4. Speed of deployment from receipt of Training Material to Instruction;
5. Designed in consideration of the non-academic or professional trainer;
6. Adaptive to current and future CRM requirements, changes and concepts;
7. Contemporary training format with conventional delivery technique;
8. Inclusive of other disciplines required under AC 700-042 i.e. Maintenance, dispatch, etc.;
9. Is in consideration of Human Factors (HF) training requirements wherein, specific CRM material content can be employed to supplement HF Training.
The QualaTech SP-CRM training solution provides a template that meets the TCCA SP-CRM Training requirements for critical information and is:
- Competitively priced - ('T-Ford' philosophy).
- Inclusive of 90% - 95% of critical information in a usable friendly training format.
- Requires nominal input by the individual operator in the application of your Company's pictures / case studies / discussions, etc. (Note. Approximately 8 to 10 hours preparation - of company personnel time).
- Promotes intellectual ownership of the SP-CRM document/program and knowledge.
- Provides the basis of the material Ref. required within the TCCA COM amendment submission.
- Gratis copy of Training Platform / material to your POI on request to assist with TCCA's review and acceptance.
- Purposefully designed by professions for professionals within a user friendly comprehensive training program.
For further information, please contact Keith Green by
Safety Management Systems Training
Applicable Training for:
Airports, Aerodromes & Heliports, Airlines, Fixed & Rotary Wing Operations, Manufacturing, AMOs.
- Safety Management Systems (SMS)
(For Airport / Aerodrome & Heliport SMS Training - Download Brochure 0000-18)
(For Airline (705) SMS Training, please contact QAC directly for further information. Thank you.)
- Change Management (see below)
- Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment (Ref. Safety Assurance for further information)
- Emergency Response (Ref. separate section below)
- Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Response Writing
QualaTech's SMS Training Courses provide participants with a concentrated overview and update on Safety Management System principles, practices and operation. The course explains the theoretical and the practical aspects of SMS, while examining accepted Safety Management components and practices. Although each course is designed to familiarize personnel with practical and specific implementation plus management requirements of a SMS, it also reviews the methodology behind SMS, inclusive of regulatory requirements. Instruction is at a ‘human level’ with course material correspondingly comprehensive but not to the degree of being overly academic. Delivery is dynamic and interactive; making for an interesting and entertaining experience. “Boredom does not enhance learning!”
The knowledge imparted as a result of formal professional training, will enable participants to review the Safety Management arrangements, lines of authority, communication, responsibilities and accountability within their own operational areas. In addition, participants will learn how to confidently analyse assets and resources, inclusive of any shortcomings, while assessing and prioritizing what needs to be accomplished and/or managed as an on-going activity of the SMS.
SMS is a living program/system that requires continuous improvement. At the completion of the training, participant fears will have been removed and a clear understanding of exactly what Safety Management is - will prevail.
Please note: Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment is a continuing and extensive process. Therefore, the intent of the this Workshop is to provide the necessary knowledge and practical training to allow for this process over a period of time. The workshop teaches the participant how to perform this important function with the Consultant providing the expertise, assistance and practical training to accomplish the knowledge transfer; therefore, empowering the Client’s employees to continue the process with confidence.
At the completion of the onsite Workshop activities, selected complex situations will be subjected to detailed Risk Analysis and Assessment techniques as a group activity. Furthermore, the Safety Assessment Report produced by the Consultants during the onsite activities will contain a list of all hazards identified during the Workshop.
Change Management Leadership Team (CMLT) Training
Applicable Training for:
Airports, Aerodromes & Heliports, Fixed & Rotary Wing Operations, Manufacturing, AMOs.
Air travel remains a dynamic, essential and expanding industry, an industry that facilitates economic growth, world trade, international investment and tourism. Air Travel commerce is therefore central to the globalization of many industries. As a result, Air Operators, Airlines and Aerodrome profitability is closely linked to national and international economic growth and trade.
Nevertheless, it is imperative that Air Service Providers prepare for radical and creeping change within their sphere of influence to ensure their continuing survival and prosperity. This has never been truer than in the economy of the current times. Crucial to sustainability is the prevention of ‘error’ and ‘loss’. It is widely quoted that the cost of prevention is minuscule, when compared to the cost of a major incident involving an aircraft or other large conveyance. This is undeniably true and cannot be overstated; albeit, an obvious fact!
In today’s dynamic marketplace, change is not only inevitable but also essential for survival and growth. To prosper, businesses need to adapt to new situations, keep up with the latest technologies and industrial ‘best practices’, while adjusting to competitive pressures and new regulation. Not an easy task, but if managed correctly, is one that can provide tremendous advantage. However, if employees are not committed to change, or see change as a threat rather than an opportunity, or are simply afraid of learning new technology, processes or procedures etc., (often compounded as people grow older), then change can have unforeseen and dire consequences. Consequences that can reduce or even nullify the intended benefits of the original requirement for change i.e. evolution and adaptation.
A classic example of someone who is resistant to change is termed a "Luddite". This was a term coined to describe anyone opposed to industrialization and/or automation. It is a appellation still applicable to people who resist change today but now other modern areas are also affected, such as computerization and new technologies in general, even Change itself.
As Dr. W. Edward Deming once said:
“It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.”
Assuredly as "death and taxes", Change is an inevitable fact of life, which must be recognized for its own worth or else an Organization - like a living species which cannot adapt - will suffer extinction. Only those who are able to adjust, evolve and progress will survive. Change therefore must be managed and people need to recognize the value in Change as an advantage, along with its inherent and often hidden dangers; nevertheless, ‘Change for the sake of Change’ must be avoided. Change Management Leadership Training (CMLT) is a proven method by which Change can be harnessed and utilized to full advantage.
Altering the underlying culture of an Organization is like trying to Change another person’s personality. A very difficult act to accomplished and successfully manage. Culture, like a human ‘pushes back’ in resistance to Change, rather than adapting and embracing it out of the gate from the inception. This is a natural phenomenon and to some extent is desirable! Nevertheless, as Peter Drucker said: "culture eats strategy for breakfast" and therefore, resistance is often the singular most important element separating mediocrity from excellence. How do you persuade people that the change you are recommending is for the betterment of all, and how do you dissipate natural fears and suspicions?
The QualaTech 'Change Management Leadership Team Training' workshop explores the dynamics of Change within an Organization. Among other aspects, it necessarily looks at leadership and asks difficult questions such as:
“How do Leaders lead?” “What makes culture – among other leading blockers to Change - so difficult to change?” and, “How does a Leader’s personality effect the change”? Etc.
The course examines core elements of psychology within each of us that can affect change, such as decision making and performance factors. The program discusses the main reasons why attempts at Cultural Change (i.e. Safety Management Culture, Safety Culture, etc.) will often fail, while providing guidance to help establish lasting cultural adaptation. Additionally, Leadership vs. Management style is explored relevant to effecting Change, and what must be accomplished to support ‘cultural shift’.
Concluding the training is a discussion on ‘Transformation’ and how to recognize and promote the subtle signs of successful Change. The QualaTech CMLT Training Course is designed to help an operation perceive change in a positive light, helping employees cope with Change (personal Change along with that of the Company’s), while becoming active participants in the Change process. This also means accepting responsibility and ownership for it.
- Change Management Leadership Team Training
Impairment Mitigation Program Training (IMPT)
Applicable Training for:
Airports, Aerodromes & Heliports, Fixed & Rotary Wing Operations, Manufacturing, AMOs.
Many medicines, whether prescribed by a doctor or obtained ‘over the counter’ or by other means (e.g. the internet) and illicit drugs are also known impair performance.
In the short term (minutes to hours) judgement and decision-making will be affected, there will be an increase in errors and risk-taking behaviour, mood changes, poor co-ordination, tracking and concentration and slower reaction times. Some these effects can persist for several days, particularly poor balance and slow cognition. High or persistent intake over a prolonged period can also result in a wide range of chronic and debilitating illness.
We know all this, but how do we manage, control and mitigate the problem? One proven method is by Educating and Training Staff.
An important part of any IMPT involves educating that Impairment is a Safety Hazard and that everyone is responsible and ultimately accountable to better manage their own condition and well-being.
All Operators can benefit from a robust IMPT and education program for regular personnel and (as applicable) contract staff. The QualaTech IMPT includes the following elements:
- potential effects of alcohol and drugs;
- medication use (prescribed or bought from a pharmacy) to ensure the safe exercise of licence privileges whilst taking medication;
- causes of Impairment in the context of work and safety;
- the early recognition and rehabilitation of individuals with an alcohol or drug problem;
- peer intervention and how to address potential concerns;
- briefing on self-awareness and facilitation of self-referral for help with an alcohol or drug problem;
- procedures for monitoring the efficacy of the IMP;
- the implications of a drug and alcohol testing program (‘with cause’, post incident/accident and random) and your rights.
Quality Assurance Training
Applicable Training for:
Airports, Aerodromes & Heliports, Fixed & Rotary Wing Operations, Manufacturing, AMOs.
- Quality Assurance (QA)
- Quality Auditing
- Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Response Writing
- Root Cause Analysis
(For Airport / Aerodrome & Heliport QA Training - Download Brochure 0000-13)
(For Fixed & Rotary Wing, Manufacturing and AMO QA Training - Download Brochure 0000-11)
Audit Procedures Course / Workshop
Applicable Training for:
Airports, Aerodromes & Heliports, Fixed & Rotary Wing Operations, Manufacturing, AMOs.
Comprises of:
- Introduction
- Pre-Audit
- Physical Audit
- Post Audit
- Root Cause Analysis & Writing a Finding
- Audit Report
The Audit Procedures Course / Workshop is designed for personnel aspiring to be, or who are already engaged in the capacity of 'Quality Auditor'. The course describes the elements of a typical Internal Quality Audit System (IQAS), while taking into account that an Audit program is not always restricted to the Quality Assurance Program (QAP), but may be extended in part to other operational areas, such as the Safety Management System (SMS). Therefore, the training material considers several standards as options for fit and function.
It is generally understood that Regulation represents only the minimum requirement, and consequently, most Organisations should now be applying ‘Beyond Minimum Compliance’ (BMC) principles to many operational areas, including that of Quality Assurance (QA). An Audit function (within the Audit Program) is one example where BMC makes sense under the QAP. Best Practices will be discussed and presented for consideration.
Although a Quality Management System (QMS) may be the desired path for all operational areas, training success should not be dependent on QAP's existing complexity or sophistication. By this methodology, a participant will be able to Audit other operational areas by applying the application of standard Auditing principles. In the case of Transport Canada Regulation, and depending on the type of Certificate held, the minimum element of a QAP may be that of an Audit Program. Consequently, the Auditor must understand the Audit Program thoroughly to be effective.
The course naturally accepts that some participants will have more 'Quality Systems' and 'Quality Management' awareness/knowledge/experience than others. Therefore, the information and delivery of all material is presented in plain English, without being overly burdensome, simplistic, technical or academic.
The course will:
- Make participants aware of the need for Auditing.
- Describe a practical Audit system.
- Train people to become Auditors (Internal or other).
- Transfer knowledge and skill.
The goal of the course is to have participants leave the training with confidence, and a thorough comprehension in basics Auditing Principles, including: Why we must Audit, How to design and construct an Audit and, Who has what responsibility within it. Auditors will learn the Audit Management Process, so they can acquire a better appreciation of how individual Audits combine to form a ‘total picture’, illustrating the Organisation’s health and how it is operating under the current arrangement.
Writing an 'Audit Report' is an important section that has tremendous worth, since the ability to write an accurate and factual Audit Report is a primary requirement for an Auditor. Mock Audit interviews and other simulations will be conducted, enabling Auditors to be comfortable in the art of Auditing techniques.
The course will also examine:
- Why we Audit?
- What an Audit is?
- Who is Audited?
- When to Audit?
- Where to Audit?
- How to Audit?
The training will similarly look at Audit theory and provide some practical illustration (time allowing).
Using a practical approach and interactive discussion of the Audit process, the course will prepare the Auditor (member of a larger Audit Team) to conduct an Audit with confidence. The training will identify the standard documentation utilized during an Audit, in addition to discussing common issues that may arise during the Audit discovery process, such as Conflict of Interest, Ethics, Communication with the Auditee, etc. Reference to actual Internal Audit examples will aid participants understand what is expected of them as an Auditor, under an effective “closed loop” system.
It is important for an Auditor to recognize and understand the true 'Root Cause' of a Non-compliance, to ensure that the actual cause of an issue is properly identified. Finally, if time permits, Case Studies will be presented from real life situations to further help understand the Quality Audit process.
The following represents some of the principle sections covered during the training, although other areas are also addressed:
- Compliance review
- Effectiveness of Risk Management
- Competence of Personnel
- Performance Indicators
- The Audit Team
- The Audit Process
- Audit Reports and Follow-up
(Note: Course content is subject to change without prior notice.)
(For Fixed & Rotary Wing, Manufacturing, Aerodrome / Airport and AMO Auditor Training - Download Brochure 0000-24)
Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Writing
Applicable Training / Workshop for:
Airports, Aerodromes & Heliports, Fixed & Rotary Wing Operations, Manufacturing, AMOs.
Comprises of:
- Review of PVI Process
- Understanding the Finding
- Root Cause Analysis
- Risk Assessment and Assorted RATs
- Linking it all Together
Human Factors Awareness Training (HFAT) Workshop
Applicable Training for:
Airports, Aerodromes & Heliports, Fixed & Rotary Wing Operations, Manufacturing, AMOs.
- Human Factors Awareness Training (HFAT)
- Error and Loss Management
- Communication & Teamwork
- Decision Making - Navigating Conflict
(For Airport / Aerodrome & Heliport HFAT - Download Brochure 0000-3)
(For AMO, Manufacturing & Fixed & Rotary Wing Operations - Download Brochure 0000-21)
Accountable Executive & Safety Manager Training
Applicable Training for:
Airports, Aerodromes & Heliports, Fixed & Rotary Wing Operations, Manufacturing, AMOs.
Comprises of:
- Duties & Responsibilities
- The Law, due diligence & Duty of care
- Liability
- Leadership
- Team Enhancement
High Performance Work Team (HPWT) Training
Applicable Training for:
Airports, Aerodromes & Heliports, Fixed & Rotary Wing Operations, Manufacturing, AMOs.
'Team Building' and 'Teamwork' are two terms that are often used interchangeably without regard to their actual meanings. Failure to consider and plan for these two cultural drivers, will contribute to low morale, low productivity, inefficient processes, and confusion in the workplace. Even with a clear vision, realistic goals and effective metrics, a lack of understanding will significantly contribute to poor collaboration, workplace challenges and denial of accountability.
Teams are comprised of individuals with unique personalities, which in turn, mould and shape the numerous cultures found within an Organisation. Team building is a progressive and continuous improvement process that requires time, respect, nurturing and patience to succeed. It is unreasonable to expect a single TB session to change (conceivably) hundreds of collective years of life experience and habit; nevertheless, it is an excellent start, so long as the training provides the knowledge and necessary tools to enable the Team (really the individual) to grow and strengthen the Team from within. Not surprisingly, HPWT training is designed to accomplish this important key component by focusing on the individual as the most important part of the Team.
The roles we have at work are opportunities to apply a Continuous Improvement Process to our job – which includes - Safety. This important epiphany over the perspective of Safety makes HPWT a critical factor for business success.
During the two-day workshop, you will learn why it is more important as an individual and a Team Member, to focus on the 'TEAM YOU ARE ON', rather than the 'TEAM YOU ARE IN'. This focus keeps your eyes aimed high, concentrating on the 'Safety Objectives' of the company as it delivers its services to the Customer.
In this innovative and culture changing program, you will learn:
- Concepts of a healthy team:
Clarify your behavior’s intent to 'contribute' or 'contaminate' the team's success * Apply Drucker’s formula for motivation (M = P x V) - Are you Responsible TO or FOR team members - Conduct a START-STOP-CONTINUE Exercise.
- Difference between team building and teamwork:
Know when to build relationships and when to achieve results.
- Working the SCARF model for team communications:
Create a healthy safety environment for building accountability, challenging others and fostering collaboration based on David Rock’s S.C.A.R.F. model.
- Safety leadership and demonstrated behaviors:
Yogi Berra said, “you can observe a lot by watching”. What behaviors do you see the leadership of your business exhibit when it comes to safety? Remember, Safety is THEIR JOB too.
- Personalities and the team that values the person:
Our work styles are often driven by our personalities. Failure to see “the person” behind the ‘teamwork’ can have devastating results on your business and for your Customers.
Looking at your areas of responsibilities, identify the contaminating or contributing behaviors that your want to stop, start or continue as you build a safety culture.
- What team are you ON vs What team are you IN?:
Keeping your eyes on the ‘big picture’ of the business will show you the importance of seeing yourself ON the corporate safety team first rather than in the team of your area of safety. This keeps your safety practices efficient and effective for long term business sustainability.
- Human Factors for collaboration and accountability:
Apply the ‘Dirty Dozen’ to team behaviors rather than individual behaviors. Focusing on the team through a HF lens will help build individual accountability to the team.
- Experiential Exercises – Challenge by Choice
Moving the concepts of team building and teamwork from theory to practice gives us a chance to observe others and self-evaluate ourselves as we contribute or contaminate to the team success. Processing these exercises creates the opportunity to safely apply what we have seen, heard and done to the real-time operations of ‘every day’.
Operations Training
Applicable Training for:
Airports, Aerodromes & Heliports, Fixed & Rotary Wing Operations, Manufacturing, AMOs.
- Assorted Training options available on request for various Operational issues and programs.
Fatigue Management Training (FMT)
Applicable Training for:
Airports, Aerodromes & Heliports, Fixed & Rotary Wing Operations, Manufacturing, AMOs.
The QualaTech FMT course is a designed educational process that makes people aware of the dangers and consequences of fatigue in the workplace and at home. The course provides the necessary understanding and knowledge that will allow an Organisation to design and/or review their own Fatigue Management Programme (FMP) with confidence and accuracy. The course will assist management and production to recognize the risks associated with fatigue and subsequently manage that risk under a formal, controlled, systematic and repeatable process.
Comprises of:
- Defining fatigue and consequences of un-managed fatigue;
- What factors and conditions affect fatigue;
- Fatigue control strategies;
- Recognize the inevitability of fatigue in the modern world/workplace;
- Reduce and alleviate fears of reporting fatigue;
- Understanding fatigue;
- The chance to express thoughts and concerns;
- Practical strategies to deal with fatigue;
- To be aware of the phenomenon of change;
- To understand how people react to change;
- To know and apply Change Management strategies;
- The basics of a Fatigue Management Programme (FMP).
The need to manage fatigue however, is not just about safety. Fatigue has a tremendous cost in respect of reducing productivity, quality of service and products. The affect of fatigue in terms of financial loss is difficult to calculate however the consequence to the ‘bottom line’ and overall success is a very real and tangible expensive.
Emergency & AC Emergency Plan Training
Applicable Training for:
Airports, Aerodromes & Heliports, Fixed & Rotary Wing Operations, Manufacturing, AMOs.
Comprises of:
- Emergency Exercise
- Table Top Exercise
- Combination Table & Live Exercise
(For Airport, Aerodromes & Heliports - Download Brochure 0000-1)
Ramp Apron Safety Training (RAST)
- Applicable Training for:
Airports, Aerodromes & Heliports, Fixed & Rotary Wing Operations, Manufacturing, AMOs.
Comprises of:
- Introduction
- Management of OH&S Airside
- Airside SMS
- Airside Planning
- Airside Vehicle Operation & Driving
- Airside Movements
- Training For Safety
- Performance Management
Please note: Brochures have not been developed for all Services and/or are in the development stage. In the event you require more information on a topic listed here or are in need of a Service not listed, please contact QualaTech for additional information. Thank you.